İsa Yılmaz


22 Ekim 2016


İLKE Derneği

Bu okuma programının temel amacı İslam ekonomisi ve politiğini ana akım yaklaşımların ötesinde politik ekonomi nazarında interdisipliner bir metot ile yeniden ele almak ve İslam iktisadının teorilendirmesinde tarihsel, sosyal, kültürel ve siyasi unsurları tartışarak yeni bir teorik çerçeve sunmaktır. Bu amacı gerçekleştirmek üzere İslam iktisadı düşüncesini farklı disiplinlere dair metinlerden okumalar yaparak edinilecek bilgiler ışığında değerlendirmeye tabi tutmak hedeflenmiştir. Okuma programının ilk etabı 10 haftadan oluşmakta ve 10 kişiyi geçmeyecek sayıda katılımcı belirlenecektir. 10 Haftanın sonunda aynı konular daha detaylı biçimde ikinci bir 10 haftalık okuma programı ile farklı metinler üzerinden derinlemesine tartışılacaktır.

Program Öncesinde Gerekli Görülen Ön Okumalar

Chapra, U. (1996). What is Islamic economics. Islamic Research and Training Institute, IDB Prize Winners Lecture Series No. 9. pp.1-72.

El-Askher, A. and Wilson, R. (2006). Islamic economics: A short history. Boston: Brill. [Chapter 9, pp.348-400].

Hassan, K. and Lewis, M. (2007). Handbook of Islamic banking. Northampton: Edward Elgar.

Naqvi, Syed N. H. (2003). Perspectives on Morality and Human Well-being. Leicester: The Islamic Foundation.

Program İçeriği

1. Hafta:

İslam İktisadının Doğuşu: Teorilendirmede Ontoloji ve Epistemolojinin Rolü

1- Ghosh, B.N. (1995). The ontology of Islamic political economy: A metatheoretic analysis. Humanomics, 11(3), pp.13-31.

2- Naqvi, Syed N. H. (1994). Islam, economics and society. London: Kegan Paul International. [Chapter 6, pp.71-80].

3- Choudhury, M.A. (2011). Islamic economics: An epistemological enquiry. United Kingdom: Emerald Publications. [Chapter 2, pp.20-25].

4- Chapra, U. (2011). The economic problem: Can Islam play an effective role in solving it efficiently as well as equitably?. IRTI Working Paper Series, pp.1-22.

2. Hafta:

İslam İktisadı Metodolojisi

1- Addas, W. (2008). Methodology of economics: Secular vs. Islamic. Malaysia: International Islamic University Malaysia Press. [Chapters 1 to 4, pp.1-72].

2- Ghazali, A. (1994). Man is the basis of the Islamic strategy for economic development. Islamic Research and Training Institute - Islamic Economics Translation Series No. 1. [Chapter 4, pp.41-55].

3- Zarqa, M.A. (1998). Methodology of Islamic economics, pp.129-140; in Kahf, M. (Ed.). Lessons in Islamic Economics vol 1. Islamic Research and Training Institute.

4- Asutay, M. (2013). Methodological Issues - Lecture Handout 6, pp.1-12.

3. ve 4. Hafta:

Modernite ve Çoklu Modernitenin İslam İktisadının Teorilendirmesine Etkisi

1- Eisenstadt, S. N. (2000). Multiple modernities. Daedalus, 129(1), pp.1-29.

2- Hallaq, W. (2009). An introduction to Islamic law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Part II Modernity and ruptures, pp.83-163].

3- Rosait, M. and Stoeckl, K. (2012). (Eds.). Multiple modernities and postsecular societies. England: Ashgate Publishing. [Chapter 1: Introduction, pp.1-17].

3- Giddens, A. (1990). The consequences of modernity. United Kingdom: Polity Press.

4- Hasanuz Zaman, S. M. (1984). Definition of Islamic economics. Journal of Research in Islamic Economics, 1(2), pp.49-50.

5- Kahf, M. (2003). Islamic economics: Notes on definition and methodology. Available at: [], pp.1-43.

5. ve 6. Hafta:

Moral Ekonomi vs. Piyasa Ekonomisi: ‘Commodification’, ‘Embeddedness’ ve ‘Civil Society’ Faktörleri

1- Polanyi, K. (1957). The great transformation. Boston: Beacon Press.

2- Booth, W.J. (1994). On the idea of the moral economy. The American Political Science Review, 88(3), pp.653-667.

3- Götz, N. (2015). Moral economy its conceptual history and analytical prospects. Journal of Global Ethics, 11(2), pp.147-162.

4- Sayer, A. (2007). Moral economy as critique. New Political Economy, 12(2), pp. 261-270.

5- Asutay, M. (2013). An Introduction to Moral Economy- Lecture Handout 3, pp.1-7.

6- Yilmaz, I. (2016). Bringing substantive morality back in: Towards an exploration in Islamic moral economy. [Publishing soon], pp.1-24.

7. Hafta:

İslami Politik Ekonomiye Sistemik Bir Yaklaşım

1- Asutay, M. (2007). A political economy approach to Islamic economics: Systemic understanding for an alternative economic system. Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, 1(2), pp.3-18.

2- Aydin, N. (2013). Redefining Islamic economics as a new economic paradigm. Islamic Economic Studies, 21(1), pp.1-34.

3- Akan, T. (2015). The paradigm of Islamic political economy: An institutionalist analysis of myth and reality. History of Economic Ideas, XXIII, pp.41-72. Available at SSRN:

8. Hafta:

Islamic Economics vs. Islamic Political Economy: İslam İktisadına Neoklasik ve Politik Ekonomi Yaklaşımları

1- Ghazali, A. (1994). Man is the basis of the Islamic strategy for economic development. Islamic Research and Training Institute - Islamic Economics Translation Series No. 1. [Chapter 1, pp.13-19].

2- Arif, M. (1985). Towards the Shariah paradigm of Islamic economics: The beginning of a scientific revolution. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 2(1), pp.79-99.

3- Sirageldin, I. (1995). Islam, Society, and Economic Policy. The Pakistan Development Review, 34(4), pp.457-480.

9. Hafta:

Fıkıh ve Ahlak: Tamamlayıcı Unsurlar

1- Hallaq, W. (2009). An introduction to Islamic law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Part I Tradition and continuity, pp.1-82].

2- Auda, J. (2007). Maqasid al-Shari’ah as philosophy of Islamic law: A systems approach. London: International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). [Introduction, pp.xxi-xxvii; Chapter 3, pp.56-60].

10. Hafta:

İslami Finans Kuruluşlarını İslami Politik Ekonomi Dairesinde Tekrar Ele Almak

1- Asutay, M. (2012). Conceptualising and locating the social failure of Islamic finance: Aspirations of Islamic moral economy vs. the realities of Islamic finance. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 11(2), pp.93-113.

2- Pollard, J. and Samers, M. (2007). Islamic banking and finance: Postcolonial political economy and the decentring of economic geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series, 32(3), pp.313-330.

3- Rethel, L. (2011). Whose legitimacy? Islamic finance and the global financial order. Review of International Political Economy, 18(1), pp.75-98.

4- Azarian, R. (2011). Outline of an economic sociology of Islamic banking. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(17), pp.258-268.

5- Ahmad, Z. Islamic banking: State of the art. pp.1-38.

6- Lapavitsas, Theorizing financialization. Work, employment and society, 25(4), pp.611-626.