- IKAM Research Fellowship Program
IKAM Research Fellowship Program
Research Center for Islamic Economics (IKAM) was established in 2016 with the purpose of providing a resource rich environment to academia for research in Islamic economics. IKAM has successfully progressed as a centre of excellence in the scientific discipline of Islamic economics and finance, through quality research, and development of pragmatic monetary and fiscal policies. IKAM offers regular education, and research, training and development activities to students and researchers, in order to build a qualified human resource for development of a healthy Islamic economics and finance sector around the globe.
Under its aim of developing a qualified human resource for Islamic economics and finance, IKAM is pleased to announce its Islamic Economics Research Fellowship Program for year 2021.
About Fellowship
IKAM Research Fellowships will be awarded to doctorate and post doctorate researchers for a period of 12 months. The prospective researchers will be hosted at IKAM where they will complete their research projects. The applications are open to applicants from the field(s) of Economics/Finance/Islamic economics and Islamic banking & finance. Applicants from all countries except Turkey are eligible to apply. The contract will be signed with successful candidates for a period of 12 months and will be non-renewable.
Research Topics & Outcomes
Fellowships for year 2021 are available for projects that would fall under the following (or related) themes:
1. Islamic Economics and Social Justice
2. Income Disparities: Bridging the Gap
3. Islamic Social Finance
4. Islamic Economics: Synchronising Technology with Economics
Selected candidates will be expected to conduct full time research at IKAM on individual projects falling under the aforementioned themes. Furthermore, each candidate shall submit two brief reports (one semi-annually) and deliver a public conference during the course of the fellowship.
The successful candidates will be offered an opportunity to undertake their research projects at IKAM along with a handsome monthly stipend amounting Three Thousand Turkish Liras (3,000 TL) for a period of one year. IKAM may also provide accommodation assistance to selected candidates.
Equal opportunities policy is applied and applications from all countries are encouraged. The completed applications should be sent to bilgi@ikam.org.tr and must include the following:
i. The title of the research project that applicant intends to undertake at IKAM. The topic must fall under one of the aforementioned themes for which the fellowship is being offered.
ii. A detailed proposal for the proposed research project
iii. Resume of the applicant
iv. List of applicant’s publications
v. Two letters of recommendation along with their contact details
The last date for submission of applications is October 31, 2020. Applications received beyond this date will not be considered. Each application will be evaluated by multiple members from IKAM’s executive board. Applicants may be invited for an online interview after the preliminary stage of evaluation of applications. The names of successful candidates will be announced by the board on November 30, 2020.