22 September 2022



Research Center for Islamic Economics (IKAM), in collaboration with Istanbul University Center for Islamic Economics and Finance (İSİFAM), will organize its 10th Islamic Economics Workshop, one of the internationally prestigious events for the Islamic economics community, from 14 to 16 October 2022. The theme of this year's workshop is “Economic Crises and Islamic Economics.”

The workshop opening session and the inaugural panel will be held on 14 October 2022 at Istanbul University Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall. In the opening session, the Islamic Economics Awards that aim to support and encourage studies and research in the field of Islamic economics will also be granted. Since its 4th year, 2018, the Islamic Economics Awards are presented in 4 categories: Research, Contribution, Application, and Thesis. The award ceremony is followed with great interest by the public.

The evaluation process of the workshop was successfully completed with the receipt of abstracts and then the full texts. Compared to the previous years, there has been a significant increase in the number of countries and applications this year. The process started with the applications of more than 100 abstracts from 25 countries, including İran, the United States, Canada, Japan, Morocco, South Africa, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and ended with the evaluation of full texts. The accepted papers will be presented to the audiences on 15 and 16 October 2022 at Istanbul University Rectorate Building Doctorate Hall.




Istanbul University Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Congress and Cultural Center

14 October 2022 Friday (19:00-21:00)

Welcome Speeches (19:00-19:30)

Islamic Economics Awards (19:30-20:00)

Presentation of Islamic Economics Contribution, Research, Thesis, and Application Awards

Inaugural Panel: The Promises of Islamic Economics in an Age of Crises  (20:00-21:00)

Chair: Nihat Erdoğmuş, İLKE Vakfı Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı / Chairman of Board of Trustees of İLKE

  • Asad Zaman, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
  • Melikşah Utku, Board Member of Albaraka Türk
  • Ömer Torlak, Istanbul Ticaret University



Istanbul University Rectorate Building Doctorate Hall


15 October 2022 Saturday (09:30-16:00) 


09.30-11.00    Session 1

Chair: Mehmet Saraç

Abdulkader Cassim MahomedyEconomic Science and Economic Crises:  Can Islamic Economics Resolve the Disjuncture?

Nadia Mansour, Strategies to Prevent and Predict the Crisis


11.00-11.30    Break

11.30-13.00    Session 2

Chair: Mehmet Babacan

M. Kabir HassanIslamic Finance as a Solution for Systematic Failures of Current Economic System

Hety BudiyantiRethinking Financial Crisis: From Neoclassical Economics to Islamic Economics


13.00-14.30    Lunch


14.30-16.00    Session 3

Chair: İsmail Eriş

Patrick CollinsSimulation of Shariah-Compliant, Conditional Currency Convertibility Based on Primary Commodities in E.C.O. Countries to Avoid the Crisis of Fiat Currencies

Mohammad Ashraful Ferdous ChowdhuryDebt-Driven Economic Crisis Prediction for OIC Countries: A Machine Learning Approach 


16 October 2022 Sunday (09:30-16:00) 


09.30-11.00    Session 1

Chair: Zeyneb Hafsa Orhan

Diana AbuGhunmiCircular Economy and Islamic Economics: A Sustainable Approach to Economic Recovery

M. Habib DolgunIs the Islamic Finance Need the Stabilizing Role of the Monetary Authority?


11.00-11.30    Break

11.30-13.00    Session 2

Chair: Hasan Vergil

Osman Karakütük, The Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis and the Resilience of the Participation Banking Industry

Salman Ahmed ShaikhResilience to Avert Financial and Economic Crisis in Islamic Economics Framework


13.00-14.30    Lunch

14.30-16.00    Session 3

Oturum Başkanı / Chair: Taha Eğri

Şakir GörmüşImpact of The Subprime and COVID-19 Crises on Islamic and Conventional Stock Indices: A Descriptive Statik Analysis

Dina GhandourAssessment of the Effect of Economic Crisis on Income and Wealth Distribution  Within Countries 

Note: Workshop sessions will be held in English.

About the workshop

                                                                              Click for Registration