Islamic Economics Workshop X

Economic Crises and Islamic Economics

14-16 OCTOBER, 2022
IEW-10_Yaz ars

Research Center for Islamic Economics (IKAM), in collaboration with the Turkish Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics Association (İGIAD) and Istanbul University Center for Islamic Economics and Finance (İSİFAM), will organize its 10th Islamic Economics Workshop from 14 to 16 October 2022 under the theme “Economic Crisis and Islamic Economics.”

The economic crisis is one of the fundamental issues of economics. The large number of reasons that lead to economic crises and the versatility of these causes brings about the problem of the unpredictability of crises. These reasons and the complex nature of the crisis also make it difficult to achieve the desired results for solutions. Failure to achieve the desired results causes the crisis to deepen. In this respect, understanding the causes of the economic crisis, developing structural solutions and strategies on them, and minimizing their frequency are becoming the most crucial agenda.

The social reflection and the social dimensions of the economic crisis are significant issues to tackle, as much as the longstanding effects of the economic crisis on the functioning of the economy. Many outcomes, such as high unemployment, high inflation, disruption of production, and the widespread influence of disadvantaged groups, are causing economic crises to pave the way for social and political crises. Hence, this situation was also experienced with the recent Financial Crisis of 2007-2009. People affected by these crises have expressed their concerns and discontent by organizing actively in many countries.

In this regard, the social and political dimensions of the economic crisis should be considered as much as their economic causes and consequences. In this framework, topics that will be covered in the 10th Islamic Economics Workshop related to the topic of “Economic Crises and Islamic Economics” should address but are not restricted to the following themes:

  • The causes and consequences of the economic crisis Strategies to prevent and predict the crisis
  • Crisis management tools and policies to minimize the effects of the economic crisis
  • The effects of the crises on the social structure
  • The analysis of the internal and external factors of economic crisis
  • The effects of crises on income and wealth distribution across countries
  • The effects of crises on income and wealth distribution within countries
  • How crises shape the international system, policies, and institutions
  • Crisis regulatory and supervisory policies, agreements within countries and regions

Submission of Papers

Abstracts are expected to be sent to the workshop by March 30, 2022, at the most. The final acceptance for participation in the workshop will be decided through full texts. Articles that are sent to the workshop should be authentic, not published or presented in any other program, or under consideration for publication.

Travel and Accommodation

The workshop is envisioned as a meeting of minds among thinkers, scholars, and practitioners in a limited number. Authors of the accepted papers (only for one author) will be covered for round-trip economy class air tickets and hotel accommodation during the workshop. IKAM will meet the accommodation and travel expenses of the participants. 


The papers presented at the workshop will be reviewed and considered for publication in an edited book Iktisat Yayınları will publish following the conference. The English version of the book is published following the workshop each year in collaboration with the famous UK-based publishing house Routledge.

Necmettin Kızılkaya

Head of Organizing Commit

Zeyneb Hafsa Orhan

Org Committee Member

Süleyman Kaya

Org Committee Member

Hamdi Çilingir

Org Committee Member

Ömer Bedrettin Çiçek

Org Committee Member

Batuhan Buğra AKARTEPE

Org Committee Member

Rabiul Islam


Merve Soylu


  Important Dates: 

Application and sending abstracts:


Announcement of the accepted abstracts:


Sending full texts:


Announcement of the accepted full texts:


Rabiul Islam


10th Islamic Economics Workshop


+90 216 532 63 70


  • Necmettin Kızılkaya, İKAM, Director
  • Zeyneb Hafsa Orhan, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
  • Süleyman Kaya, İstanbul University
  • Batuhan Buğra Akartepe, İstanbul University
  • Hamdi Çilingir, Sakarya University
  • Ömer Bedreddin Çiçek, İGİAD


  • Adam Abdullah, AlQasimia University
  • Ahmet Faruk Aysan, Hamad Bin Khalifa University
  • Azmi Omar, INCEIF- The Global University of Islamic Finance
  • ErhanAkkaş, Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University
  • Faruk Bal, İstanbul Medeniyet University
  • Fatih Savaşan, Sakarya University
  • Ghaith Mahaini, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
  • Hichem Hamza, King Abdulaziz University
  • Hylmun Izhar, IRTI - Islamic Development Bank Institute
  • İsa Yılmaz, İstanbul Medeniyet University
  • Lütfi Sunar, İstanbul Medeniyet University
  • Mabid Ali Mohamed Al-Jarhi, Ankara Sosyal Bilimler University
  • Malik Shahzad Shabbir, İKAM
  • Muneeb Hussain Gatto, İKAM
  • Murat Yaş, Marmara University
  • Murniati Mukhlisin, Tazkia Islamic University College
  • Murteza Bedir, İstanbul University
  • Nihat Erdoğmuş, Yıldız Teknik University
  • Nurullah Gür, Medipol University
  • Rasim Özcan, İbn Haldun University
  • Sabri Mohammad, UWE Bristol
  • Taha Eğri, Kırklareli University
  • Taslima Julia, İKAM
  • Servet Bayındır, İstanbul University
  • Shifa Mohd Nor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Şakir Görmüş, Marmara University


  • Merve Soylu, İKAM
  • Rabiul Islam, İKAM
  • Ubeydullah Güneş, İKAM



Istanbul University Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Congress and Cultural Center

14 October 2022 Friday (19:00-21:00)

Welcome Speeches (19:00-19:30)

Islamic Economics Awards (19:30-20:00)

Presentation of Islamic Economics Contribution, Research, Thesis, and Application Awards

Inaugural Panel: The Promises of Islamic Economics in an Age of Crises  (20:00-21:00)

Chair: Nihat Erdoğmuş, İLKE Vakfı Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı / Chairman of Board of Trustees of İLKE

  • Asad Zaman, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
  • Melikşah Utku, Board Member of Albaraka Türk
  • Ömer Torlak, Istanbul Ticaret University



Istanbul University Rectorate Building Doctorate Hall


15 October 2022 Saturday (09:30-16:00) 


09.30-11.00    Session 1

Chair: Mehmet Saraç

Abdulkader Cassim MahomedyEconomic Science and Economic Crises:  Can Islamic Economics Resolve the Disjuncture?

Nadia Mansour, Strategies to Prevent and Predict the Crisis


11.00-11.30    Break

11.30-13.00    Session 2

Chair: Mehmet Babacan

M. Kabir HassanIslamic Finance as a Solution for Systematic Failures of Current Economic System

Hety BudiyantiRethinking Financial Crisis: From Neoclassical Economics to Islamic Economics


13.00-14.30    Lunch


14.30-16.00    Session 3

Chair: İsmail Eriş

Patrick CollinsSimulation of Shariah-Compliant, Conditional Currency Convertibility Based on Primary Commodities in E.C.O. Countries to Avoid the Crisis of Fiat Currencies

Mohammad Ashraful Ferdous ChowdhuryDebt-Driven Economic Crisis Prediction for OIC Countries: A Machine Learning Approach 


16 October 2022 Sunday (09:30-16:00) 


09.30-11.00    Session 1

Chair: Zeyneb Hafsa Orhan

Diana AbuGhunmiCircular Economy and Islamic Economics: A Sustainable Approach to Economic Recovery

M. Habib DolgunIs the Islamic Finance Need the Stabilizing Role of the Monetary Authority?


11.00-11.30    Break

11.30-13.00    Session 2

Chair: Hasan Vergil

Osman Karakütük, The Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis and the Resilience of the Participation Banking Industry

Salman Ahmed ShaikhResilience to Avert Financial and Economic Crisis in Islamic Economics Framework


13.00-14.30    Lunch

14.30-16.00    Session 3

Oturum Başkanı / Chair: Taha Eğri

Şakir GörmüşImpact of The Subprime and COVID-19 Crises on Islamic and Conventional Stock Indices: A Descriptive Statik Analysis

Dina GhandourAssessment of the Effect of Economic Crisis on Income and Wealth Distribution  Within Countries 

Note: Workshop sessions will be held in English.