Workshop on Business Partnerships in an Islamic Economy Held
The seventh of the IKAM's workshops took place on 2 November 2019 and was hosted by ISAR Foundation. Participants showed great interest in the workshop which was held under the theme of "Business Partnerships in an Islamic Economy". The workshop started with the opening speech of IKAM's chairman Dr. Lütfi Sunar. There on, Dr. Necmettin Kızılkaya presented his paper titled "Business Partnerships in Islamic Law with Theoretical and Historical Dimensions".
Dr. Kızılkaya stated that the general framework of the companies, which are discussed in detail in the classical fiqh theory, is laid down by the basic texts of religion. In the second session of the workshop, Dr. Mustafa Halil Çonkar's paper titled "The Current Situation of Business Partnerships in Legal and Economic Terms Today" was presented. At the end of the workshop, plaquets were distributed among the presenters.