30 September 2022

The Islamic Economics Awards, which have been given since the 6th Islamic Economics workshop, aim to reward and encourage researchers and institutions working in this field. This year, the Islamic Economics Thesis Award has been added to the awards given in 3 categories: the Islamic Economics Research Award, the Islamic Economics Contribution Award, and the Islamic Economics Application Award.

The Islamic Economics Research Award is given each year to the individuals or institutions that have carried out original groundbreaking research in the field. The Islamic Economics Application Award is given to innovative applications that make unique contributions to the development of Islamic economics by applying its products and tools in various ways in different areas of life. The Islamic Economics Contribution Award is given to leading individuals or institutions in society for their impactful contributions to the field of Islamic economics. Finally, the Islamic Economics Thesis Award was added to the Islamic Economics Awards in 2020. This award is given to young postgraduate researchers who make a considerable contribution to the theoretical dimension of the discipline as well as its practices through their theses.

The Islamic Economics Awards, which are followed with interest by the public every year, are also waiting for their owners this year. As a result of the applications received, the award winners were determined by the jury and meticulously evaluated. In the 10th Islamic Economics Workshop, which will be held by the Research Center for Islamic Economics (IKAM) at Istanbul University on October 14-16, the IKAM Islamic Economics Awards will also be presented.


Inaugural and Award Ceremony

14 October 2022 / 19:00

Istanbul University, Fuat Sezgin Congress and Cultural Center


Workshop Sessions

15 and 16 October 2022 / 09:30-16:00

Istanbul University Rectorate Building Doctorate Hall


For details

For registration