Islamic Economist And Writer, Akram Khan Visits IKAM

10 July 2017

Akram Khan, a personality largely known for his great contributions towards Islamic Economics honored us by visiting IKAM lately. He was welcomed by President IKAM, Assoc. Prof. Lütfi Sunar followed by a meeting where topics of mutual interest including challenges faced by infant discipline of Islamic Economics were discussed.

Mr. Muhammad Akram Khan, took post-graduate degrees from Pakistan (1966) and UK (1967) and joined Department of the Auditor General of Pakistan where he rose to the position of Deputy Auditor General (1999-2002).He has published 15 books and 46 research papers on various aspects of auditing and public finance. He has published 20 books, 55 research papers and about 100 book reviews on various aspects of Islamic economics. His seminal work ‘What is Wrong with Islamic Economics: Analysing the Present State and Future Agenda’ was published by Edward Elgar (UK &USA) in 2013.